Monday 20 January 2014

Fashion Area's Reflection in Private Life

People who are into fashion normally care about the way they look and their healthy life. But those who are passionate about it can get a little intense. Dara-Lynn Weiss, a writer in Vogue Magazine, has put her ‘obese’ 7-year-old daughter on a diet. She has posted on vogue an article about her daughter who was suffering from obesity. She also mentioned how she forced her child to undergo this harsh diet. This leaves little to the imagination about the little girl's feelings towards her mother. Her thoughts must have been conflicted between whether her mother was acting for her own sake and health or just for the sake of making her another plastic model.

Among the excuses and reasons she gave for forcing her overweighed child on the diet, I disagree with her mostly about her claim that the diet was better for her daughter’s health. Losing weight at this early age would affect her health in many ways. She is clearly ignorant to the negative effects of having her child on an extreme diet at a young age. By doing so, her daughter could get high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and it will stop her growth. Moreover, publishing this experience proudly really got on my nerves.

In her article, Weiss states “I dramatically grabbed the drink out of my daughter's hands, poured it into the garbage, and stormed out.” Rough, isn't it? She also said, "And there have been many awkward moments at parties, when Bea has wanted to eat, say, both cookies and cake, and I've engaged in a heated public discussion about why she can't." (Vogue April issue 2012, 123). Another time, she broke her daughter's heart by dealing with her in such a violent and brutal way. And as if it wasn’t enough to humiliate her daughter alone with the secrecy of their house, she lectured her about her food in public.

In addition, Weiss wrote in the article about the moment when she asked her daughter whether she was happy at the moment with what she has gone through and about the result, she honestly answered ""Just because it's in the past," she says, "doesn't mean it didn't happen.""(April issue of Vogue 2012, 123). When the period of dieting ended, despite the mother's feeling of pride at the end result, her daughter was not as happy or proud as Weiss expected. From the daughter's answer, it is obvious that Weiss was taking out her own obsession of food on her daughter without thinking about her feelings.

Forcing people to do things they don't want to do, can give deep, negative and psychological repercussions in spite of how we see them from the outside. This is what Weiss had done to her daughter. Letting her child go through that entire struggle is a nasty behaviour coming from a mom. Most of her readers realised the extent of her naivety after finding out about this. She could have let her daughter make a habit out of some daily exercises instead of dieting. That would raise Weiss in her daughter's eyes as a mother. Also, her goal behind the daily exercises would be clear, that it is for her daughter's sake. Her goal behind the diet was ambiguous, and whether or not it was out of Weiss's pure selfishness, is not clear.

1 comment:

  1. I can't find the main article, but that's probably because I'm not used to navigating this blog, it's got to be on this page somewhere... Anyway, the way you described the diet that the mother gave her daughter doesn't sound cruel in any way shape or form. The mother allowed her daughter to choose only one type of dessert and that's completely normal, actually it would be even worse if she allowed her daughter to indulge in all the cakes and cookies she desires. Anyway, I actually enjoyed reading this, and I really like your choice of words.
